The foundation of all business activities is the Basic Corporate Philosophy stating our aspiration: "to contribute to the development of industries and science by comprehensively utilizing its vacuum and peripheral technologies." We will work with our partners to pursue cutting-edge technology, and contribute to the creation of a sustainable society with vacuum technology while fulfilling our social responsibility.
We have established the Sustainable Management Department, which reports directly to the President, to promote sustainability initiatives throughout the Group. The Sustainability Promotion Committee, which meets twice a year, is attended by internal directors, executive officers, and department heads. The Committee sets sustainability targets, manages progress, considers policies, and discusses initiatives on key themes. Important matters are reported and resolved as appropriate at the Management Council, a body that deliberates on matters related to important business execution based on management policies decided by the Board of Directors. Moreover, the Executive Officer in charge of sustainability reports to the Board of Directors on the contents of discussion by the Sustainability Promotion Committee and the sustainability initiatives of the entire Group, so that the Board of Directors can accurately grasp the status of business execution and supervise it appropriately.
In September 2021, ULVAC agreed to and became a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, supporting the Ten Principles related to protecting human rights, eliminating unreasonable labor, addressing environmental concerns and preventing corruption set forth therein. By complying with and putting into practice the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, we will further promote responsible management as a global company.
ULVAC has announced its endorsement of the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and has joined the TCFD Consortium. Based on the TCFD recommendations, ULVAC will proactively disclose information on both the risks and opportunities that climate change poses to its business from the perspective of strategy, risk management, and corporate governance.
ULVAC, Inc. is proud to announce its participation in the Semiconductor Climate Consortium (SCC) of SEMI as a founding member.
ULVAC will promote advanced climate change initiatives in collaboration with SCC member companies.
ULVAC will contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the realization of a sustainable society through the initiatives to address materiality.
The MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index was developed by MSCI(Morgan Stanley Capital International) and is constructed by Japanese companies that have high Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance selected from the constituents of the parent index (MSCI Japan IMI Index), targeting 50% of the free float-adjusted market capitalization of each GICS®*Sector in the parent index. ULVAC has been selected as a constituent of the MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index.
The FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index, developed by FTSE Russell, which is a subsidiary of the London Stock Exchange, is designed to measure the performance of Japanese companies that demonstrate strong Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices. This index is constructed so that industry or sector weights align with the Japanese equity market. The index also supports climate transition to a low carbon economy by evaluating companies' climate governance and climate change efforts with TPI Management Quality Score*.
*TPI Management Quality Score: the quality of companies' management of their greenhouse gas emissions and of risks and opportunities related to the low-carbon transition.
FTSE Russell (Registered trademark of FTSE International Limited and Frank Russell Company) hereby certifies that ULVAC, Inc. has qualified for inclusion in the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index as a result of independent research. The FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index is widely used to create and evaluate sustainable investment funds and other financial products.
The S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index developed by S&P Dow Jones Indices and the Tokyo Stock Exchange is designed to measure the performance of companies in the Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX), while overweighting or underweighting those companies that have lower or higher levels of carbon emissions per unit of revenue and based on their environment-related disclosure.
This program recognizes corporations that have a particularly exceptional record in the area of health and productivity management.
For more information, click here to visit our Health Management page.
In order to resolve social issues and co-create sustainable corporate value, we vigorously engage in dialogue with stakeholders and respond in a timely manner to changes in the market and business environment in which ULVAC operates.
At the start of a new fiscal year and at the New Year's reception, video messages from the ULVAC president and senior management are distributed to all Group companies in order to share ULVAC's status and policies with employees, including those overseas. A questionnaire survey is conducted coinciding with each such video message to check the level of employees' understanding and collect their opinions, which are then fed back to management and reflected in the planning of the next video project.
Through various briefings and information exchanges, we strive to share information directly relevant to our business and ask our business partners for their understanding and cooperation in enhancing communication on CSR procurement.
For more information, click here to visit our Supply Chain page.
In order to enhance customer satisfaction, we strive to improve the quality of our products and services based on the quality management system in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard. ULVAC's 31 Group companies obtained ISO 9001:2015 certification for the integrated management system. Quality management is promoted by way of thorough analysis of nonconformities that occurred thorough analysis of nonconformities occurring within each process, implementation of recurrence prevention measures, feedback of findings, implementation of preventive measures, and process standardization activities. Furthermore, in order to achieve customer satisfaction in all phases from product delivery to disposal, we are working to reduce running costs, shorten lead times, and provide prompt, highquality customer support.
For more information, click here to visit our Quality Assurance and Product Safety page.
We strive to provide our shareholders and investors with timely, fair, and easy-to-understand information about the Group's medium-term management plan, growth strategy, and financial condition, in order to facilitate their understanding.
Regarding investor relations, in addition to quarterly financial results briefings, we actively offer opportunities for dialogue by organizing IR seminars, participating in conferences sponsored by securities companies in Japan and overseas, as well as in seminars for individual investors, and holding overseas roadshows, plant tours, and individual meetings.
We disclose financial results briefing materials, summaries of Q&A sessions, integrated reports, fact sheets, and other materials on our website. We strive to enhance the content and timeliness of our disclosures. From the viewpoint of fair disclosure, we disclose information in Japanese and English simultaneously to the extent possible.
Evaluations and opinions obtained through dialogue with shareholders, investors, and analysts are collected and summarized on a regular basis and are reported to the Board of Directors and the Management Council to share them with management, depending on their importance and nature, to incorporate them into management improvements as appropriate.
We will continue our efforts to strengthen engagement with shareholders and investors through proactive IR activities, with the aim of realizing sound corporate management and maximizing corporate value.
※Scroll through the Table
IR activities | Results in FY 2023 | |
External engagement | Financial briefing | 4 times |
IR interviews with institutional investors and analysts | Approx. 789 persons | |
Participation in conferences for overseas institutional investors | 29 sessions | |
IR interviews on overseas roadshows | 24 individuals | |
Plant tours | 11 times | |
Seminars for individual investors | 3 times | |
IR seminar | 1 session | |
Internal engagement | IR Monthly Report | Issued monthly |
Reports at Board of Directors and Management Council | 8 times |
In addition to contributing to society through our core business, we strive to make social contributions that benefit local communities, focusing on "Local Communities," "Environment" and "Education Support for the Next Generation."
For more information, click here to visit our Social Contribution Activities page.
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