Under the Environmental Policy, we offer products that enable our customers to contribute to environmental protection. Initiatives of the ULVAC Group are described below.
ULVAC, Inc. received a "B" score in the "Climate Change Report 2023" published by CDP, an international non-profit organization that manages an environmental information disclosure system.
CDP collects and analyzes information disclosed by companies and municipalities around the world through questionnaires on climate change and water resource protection, and grades their efforts on an eight-point scale (A, A-, B, B-, C, C-, D, D-). Our current grade of "B" indicates environmental management, and signifies that we are "aware of our company's environmental risks and impacts, and are acting accordingly."
We also received a "C" score in CDP's "Water Security Report 2023."
We will continue to promote environmentally friendly business activities to realize a sustainable society.
ULVAC positions climate change initiatives as one of its key management issues. The ULVAC Group has set medium- to long-term greenhouse gas emission targets, namely, a 40% reduction in 2030 (compared with 2020) and effectively zero in 2050. We will take action to mitigate climate change by endeavoring to curb greenhouse gas emissions throughout our activities, such as by doing our utmost to conserve energy in Japan and overseas, introducing renewable energy with low greenhouse gas emissions, and developing environmentally friendly products. We endorse the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and strive to disclose relevant information. Furthermore, ULVAC has been responding to a survey conducted by CDP*, an international NGO.
*CDP: A non-governmental organization (NGO) managed by a British charity. CDP sends questionnaires on climate change and other issues to companies and local governments and assesses and discloses the impact of their activities on the environment. When deciding which companies to invest in, CDP scores are considered important criteria.
Under the supervision of the Board of Directors, the Executive Officers in charge of sustainability and the environment monitor progress toward targets.
Under the scenarios announced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the International Energy Agency (IEA), and others, that "the global average temperature will rise by 4°C or more" and "the global average temperature rise will be kept below 2°C (partly up to 1.5°C) as agreed by the Paris Agreement," we identified business risks and opportunities in the medium to long term that will be brought about by climate change. Of these, we analyzed risks and opportunities with respect to "carbon pricing," "business continuity risk due to the occurrence of disasters caused by typhoons, torrential rain, and other extreme weather events," and "expansion of market opportunities for power devices" and evaluated quantitative impacts on our business. Going forward, we will expand the scope of quantification of impacts on business and further consider specific measures.
In order to actively address climate issues as a responsible member of society, the ULVAC Group has set medium-to long-term targets for GHG emissions from its business activities, namely, a 40% reduction in 2030 (compared with 2020) and effectively zero in 2050. We will take action to mitigate climate change by endeavoring to curb GHG emissions throughout our activities, such as by doing our utmost to conserve energy in Japan and overseas, installing solar power generation facilities, introducing renewable energy, and developing environmentally friendly products.
The ULVAC Group aims to achieve a renewable energy usage ratio of 60% by 2030 in ordar to actively promote climate change mitigation. We will systematically promote the use of electricity derived from renewable energy sources.
The ULVAC Group has introduced solar power generation systems and utilizes the power generated in its business activities. In FY 2022, we generated 1,564 thousand kWh, which contributed to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. We will continue to consider the active introduction of solar power generation systems and promote the use of renewable energy.
By providing air conditioners and airflow switching control, we have introduced a system that allows lowering the air conditioner fan power so that the airflow can be reduced to the minimum circulation flow rate when a clean room is not in operation, e.g. at night and on holidays, to maintain the cleaning capability.
Large evaporation roll coater
We are stepping up our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and working to reduce not only ULVAC's but also our customers' power consumption through the use of ULVAC equipment.In particular, since large evaporation roll coaters use a lot of electricity, using energy efficiently is a priority. By installing measuring instruments, detailed power consumption of each process is determined in order to maximize overall efficiency of energy use.Going forward, we will analyze the trend of power consumption of each process by comparing the collected data with the log data of the equipment with a view to further improving the equipment.
Cold/hot water heat source equipment
The cold/hot water heat source equipment at ULVAC's Fuji Susono Plant is a source of cold water for cooling manufacturing equipment as well as cold water and hot water used by the clean room's air-conditioning systems.From the viewpoint of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, temperature settings for cold water and hot water were adjusted corresponding to the cycle of the seasons. As a result, the Fuji Susono Plant reduced its annual greenhouse gas emissions by 47.65 tons.The Fuji Susono Plant will continue endeavoring to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions within the range of temperature control values for production activities and the clean room.
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