Since 1983, ULVAC Group had started publishing "ULVAC" which is the ULVAC Group's corporate communication magazine.
*Information contained in the magazine is current as of the date of publication. Note that this information may be subject to change without prior notice.
"Inferiority" Provides Opportunities for Innovation
--- Working with Private Enterprises Based on Space
Technologies and the Lessons Learned from Hayabusa
Guest:Dr. Hitoshi Kuninaka,
Professor at the Department of Space Flight Systems,
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
Director of the Space Exploration Innovation Hub Center,
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
Interviewer:Mr. Hisaharu Obinata, President and CEO, ULVAC, Inc.
Outstanding Vinyl Record Quality and High Sound Quality
Realized by Using Sputtering Film
---Reduced abrasion, Good heat conductivity,
and static electricity prevention through
the use of
vacuum film technologies
Interview with: ULVAC TAIWAN INC.
Ask Hirohiko Murakami
(General Manager of the Future Technology Research Laboratory of ULVAC)
Establishment of Future Technology Research Laboratory
---Toward Creating Future Core Competence
ULVAC Group information
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